Frank Cosentino, professor emeritus and senior scholar, York University, played ten years in the CFL and coached intercollegiate football for twelve years. Frank was on two Grey Cup winning teams and coached 2 Vanier Cup winners.
He is a member of the Canadian Football Hall of Fame, Class of 2018.
Frank has authored or co-authored 22 books including: Ted Reeve: The Bard of the Beach. His latest football book is Out of the Blue 2015-2022, the 5th in his series on Canadian football.
Contact Frank at valleyoldtimers.com or valleyoldtimers.ca or [email protected] or [email protected]
Frank Cosentino, professor emeritus and senior scholar, York University, played ten years in the CFL and coached intercollegiate football for twelve years. Frank was on two Grey Cup winning teams and coached 2 Vanier Cup winners.
He is a member of the Canadian Football Hall of Fame, Class of 2018.
Frank has authored or co-authored 22 books including: Ted Reeve: The Bard of the Beach. His latest football book is Out of the Blue 2015-2022, the 5th in his series on Canadian football.
Contact Frank at valleyoldtimers.com or valleyoldtimers.ca or [email protected] or [email protected]
Out of the Blue. CFL 2015-2022
The years from 2015 to 2022 were punctuated by a world wide Pandemic. The league was tested, suffered the loss of a season, yet still managed to carry on. The National Day of Reconciliation was also celebrated in Canada that year, declared following an Edmonton Elks game against the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. That game was broadcast in both English and Cree for the first time. Later, in September, the national anthem was sung in three languages, English, French and Cree. The legislation of sports betting in Ontario was another "first": the door was open. And the Grey Cup? It was always a game where anything could happen - and usually does. 276 Pages ISBN 978-1-312-731479 Price: $30.00 Shipping: $6.00 Order Ted Reeve: The Bard of the Beach, by Frank Cosentino, published June, 2021, is about one of the legends in Canadian sport and writing. This unique style, well exhibited through his personae, reflected the feelings which one might have about life in general or of a particular event. You can almost hear the rumbling of The Moaner, the pickiness of Alice Snippersnapper, the insight of Figgers Foley, the wisdom of Nutsy Fagan or the venting of any Athletic Clubs or, any other know-it-all created on the spot. It's a salute and a mirror to the life of a superb and talented Canadian icon. 263 Pages ISBN 978-1-667-143750 Price: $30.00 Shipping: $5.00 Order Canadian Football 1995-2014:
Home Again Home Again is the story of the Canadian Football League from 1995 – 2014. The year 1995 represents the only time to this date when the Grey Cup was won by a team outside Canada. By 2014, the League had returned to a nine team operation with the arrival of the Ottawa REDBLACKS. It’s a fascinating look at the evolution of the CFL and the Grey Cup both being Home Again. 262 Pages ISBN 978-1-312-72652-9 Price: $24.95 Shipping: $5.00 Order |
Hockey Gods at the Summit
In this evocative depiction of the famed 1972 Canadian-Soviet hockey summit, Team Canada receives a heavenly assist from a group of gone, but not forgotten NHLers when it appears the greatest hockey series in this country's history might be forfeited to the Russians. 206 Pages ISBN 978-1-926962-003-0 Price: $20.00 Shipping: $5.00 Order |
Renfrew Millionaires: The Valley Boys of Winter 1910 In 1910, Renfrew, Ontario put together the Renfrew Millionaires, a Stanley Cup challenge team, bankrolled by M.J. O’Brien, one of the resident tycoons. The hockey was rough and fast, played on natural ice by seven man teams. The players faced frostbite and severe injuries from both opposing players and rabid fans. It was a time of smoky rinks and scintillating on-ice performances that made some of the players the stuff of legend. The reader is transported back to discover our rich hockey heritage and also life at the turn of the century. 208 Pages ISBN 978-1-329-94602-6 Price: $24.95 Shipping: $5.00 Order |
Brothers of the Wind
The little eastern Ontario town of Almonte has produced two giants in the field of sport. Both were pioneers in the development of Kinesiology (Physical Education) as a serious academic discipline. James Naismith contributed his own invention, basketball, to the modern world. R.Tait McKenzie left a timeless legacy in his considerable body of work in sculptures, especially of athletic subjects. 207 Pages ISBN 978-1-365-21166-9 Price: $24.95 Shipping: $5.00 Order |
June 7, 1997 at an evening meeting of Almonte, Ramsay and Pakenham officials individual identities were submerged to form a new municipality Mississippi Mills. Thankfully, the community of Almonte retained its identity. It is the only town in Canada to be named after a Mexican General. This is his fascinating story. 118 Pages ISBN 9687746-0-1 Special Price $10.00 Shipping $3.00 Order |
Hail Mary Heaven Sent
A communist plot, the message of Fatima, Michael’s battle and a Polish Pope all contribute to a story that will have you asking what is fact and what is fiction, what is coincidence and what is Divine Intervention? 232 Pages ISBN 1-4116-6528-7, & rev. 978-1-304-61775-0 ( Price: $20.00 Shipping: $5.00 Order |
Closed Doors and Alberta Crude covers the years from 1969 to 1982. These were years when the CFL was shaping itself from a loosely run organization to a more structured one. Public relations were becoming important but decisions were made behind closed doors. The most dominant team of the era was the Edmonton Eskimos. The era ended with their five consecutive Grey Cups, a testimony to sound coaching, good quarterbacking and a strong defense, aptly named Alberta Crude
273 pages ISBN 978-1-365-50338-2 Price $24.95 Shipping $5.00 Order |
Canadian Football 1983-1994:
Gone South focuses on the CFL's rationale and move to expand to the United States. It details the controversy throughout the League and the country. It leads directly to the next book in this series Home Again. Therein, The Baltimore Stallions and their Grey Cup win of 1995 is documented: the first and only Grey Cup win by an American based team. The Stallions moved the next year to Montreal to become the Alouettes and the American experiment was put to rest, for now. After 1995, there was a return to an all Canadian league. Both books also continue with the trend from amateur to professional and the move towards the revitalization of football in Canada. 282 pages ISBN 978-1-365-65196-0 Price $24.95 Shipping $5.00 Order Canadian Football: The Grey Cup Years This is an updated reprint of the first book in this series of four volumes. It traces the leagues and teams which competed for the Grey Cup from its inception in 1909 by Governor General of Canada, Lord Grey. It continues until 1968 under three major themes: rule changes, style of play and the trend from amateur to professional. It is accompanied by an index.
253 pages ISBN 978-1-365-98182-1 Price $24.95 Shipping $5.00 Order |
Other Books Authored or Co-Authored by Frank Cosentino
Lionel Conacher; Ned Hanlan; A Passing Game; Olympic Gold; Winter Gold; A History of Physical Education in Canada; Afros, Aboriginals and Amateur Sport in pre World War 1 in Canada; A Concise History of Sport in Canada; Not Bad, Eh? A Passing Game